For over 2 years, close to 3, the On Digital Media crew (ODM) had been on hiatus from doing the podcasts. We had been dispersed between California, New Jersey and even Massachusetts and getting 4 to 5 super busy people to allocate about 1 1/2 hour of personal time was challenging. We had all been caught up on major projects and I specifically had been engrossed in launching a connected car service that would compete against XM Radio, iHeart Radio, Pandora etc in the car. We all kept in touch and sometimes managing to sneak in drinks when one of us is traveling to New York or San Francisco. However, I missed chatting with the guys weekly. I missed talking about the latest news in digital media and technology.
I am excited to report that after a long hiatus, we are back to doing what we do best: insider-baseball-like chats about the technology and digital media industry. In our hayday, we had been cached and listened to by the marketing team at P&G, listeners included the VP of Internet Research at Morgan Stanley, executives at Sony Erickson, Nokia, etc. Instead of just audio as well, we are now recording on Google Hangouts (good or bad…) You’ll see a tighter and faster-pace show as well, with potential opportunities for an increased number of guests to join the show.
We are excited and would like to invite you to join us at the On Digital Media website on Thursday, February 6 at 8pm ET!