This week, John Federico (@gadgetboy) and Chia-Lin Simmons (@chialinsimmons) talk about the latest news in digital media and what it means for you.
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In this episode:
- What’s with the new Apple TV? Gaming? Apps? Something else?
- Comcast confirms $45 billion merger with Time Warner Cable
- Verizon support rep admits anti-Netflix throttling
- Fred Wilson on Net Neutrality
- EU Pushes to Globalize Internet Governance
- With Google’s top ad exec now running YouTube, LA creators are stuck in wait and see mode
- Jason Calacanis: Google Wins Everything Part Two: How to be a Partner
- Who can compete with YouTube? Amazon?
- Americans officially living in post-PC world, spending more time using mobile apps & web
- WSJ: An Android-Powered Nokia Phone Clad In Windows Phone Clothing Coming Later This Month
- Microsoft considering allowing Android apps to run on Windows – report
- Smartphones are now a 95% Android-iOS global duopoly w/ Android closing in on 80% by itself
- Is it Game Over for Nintendo?
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